ענף זית של אחרית הימים - הברק ממזרח

ענף זית של אחרית הימים - הברק ממזרח
‏הצגת רשומות עם תוויות Christian. הצג את כל הרשומות
‏הצגת רשומות עם תוויות Christian. הצג את כל הרשומות

יום שישי, 30 במרץ 2018

Christian Feng Aixia’s Account of Her Experience of the CCP’s Cruel Persecution

Feng Aixia accepted Almighty God’s kingdom gospel in 2006. She was arrested by the CCP police when preaching the gospel in 2014. During the interrogation, the police stripped her off, slapped her on the face, beat her with electric batons, pulled one of her hands back over the shoulder and the other hand up along the back before cuffing them together, etc., torturing her in various kinds of ways. In the end, she was detained for fourteen days on the charge of preaching the gospel illegally and disturbing the social order. After her release, unable to bear the threat and control of the CCP, she was forced to leave her home and flee everywhere.


How does the Church of Almighty God develop?
The Eastern Lightning—The Light of Salvation

יום שני, 26 בפברואר 2018

Christian Video | The Best Decision of My Entire Life—Accepting Almighty God's Work of the Last Days

Christian Video | The Best Decision of My Entire Life—Accepting Almighty God's Work of the Last Days

Since Almighty God began His work of the last days in China, more and more people have come to spread and bear witness to His words. Almighty God’s end-time work long ago expanded outside of China’s borders, and His words have been translated into many different languages and published online. More and more of those who truly believe in God and long to seek the truth are investigating Almighty God’s work, and many want to gain an understanding of The Church of Almighty God and God’s work in the last days. In response to audience requests, in this episode two American Christians, Mr. and Mrs. Schmidt from The Church of Almighty God, share their stories of coming to believe in Almighty God as well as what they have experienced and reaped within the Church.


The Eastern Lightning —The Light of Salvation

יום חמישי, 15 בפברואר 2018

Virginia Christian Film Festival: Musical "Every Nation Worships the Practical God" Wins Six Awards

Virginia Christian Film Festival: Musical "Every Nation Worships the Practical God" Wins Six Awards 

"The kingdom has descended; the new age has begun; God has returned!" This is the most stirring of the good tidings from The Church of Almighty God's musical—Every Nation Worships the Practical God. On January 27, 2018, this musical, bearing witness that Jesus the Savior has already returned, was shown at the Virginia Christian Film Festival. In one fell swoop, it won six awards, including Best Feature Film, Best Choreography, Best Music and Best Acting.


Utterances of Almighty God

The Eastern Lightning—The Light of Salvation

The brief introduction of the Church of Almighty God

יום חמישי, 28 בספטמבר 2017

Eastern Lightning | Sermons and Fellowship About God’s Word “‘The Sixth Utterance’ of God’s Utterances to the Entire Universe”

Eastern Lightning | Sermons and Fellowship About God’s Word “‘The Sixth Utterance’ of God’s Utterances to the Entire Universe”

Let’s start our meeting. Let’s first read a passage of God’s word, “The Sixth Utterance” of God’s Utterances to the Entire Universe in The Word Appears in the Flesh.
“In matters within the spirit, you should be delicately sensitive; to My words, you should be carefully attentive. You should aim for the state in which you see My Spirit and My fleshly self, My words and My fleshly self, as one indivisible whole, and make it so that all of humanity will be able to satisfy Me in My presence. I have trodden the universe with My feet, stretching out My gaze over its entire expanse, and I have walked in the midst of all mankind, tasting the sweet, sour, bitter, and pungent flavors of human experience, but man never truly recognized Me, nor did he notice Me as I walked abroad. Because I was silent, and performed no supernatural deeds, because of this no one ever truly saw Me. Things are not now as they once were: I am going to do things that, since the beginning of creation, the world has never seen, I am going to speak words that, throughout the ages, men have never heard, because I ask that all humanity come to know Me in the flesh. These are steps in My management, about which humanity has not the faintest inkling. Even when I speak of them openly, man is still so befuddled in his mind that it is impossible to articulate them to him in every detail. Herein lies man’s abject lowliness, does it not? This is precisely what I wish to remedy in him, is it not? All these years, I have not worked anything upon man; all these years, even those who were in direct touch with My incarnate flesh never heard the voice coming directly from My divinity. And so it is unavoidable that human beings should be lacking in their knowledge of Me, but this one thing alone has not affected humanity’s love for Me through the ages. Now, however, I have wrought upon you countless amount of work miraculous and unfathomable as well as spoken to you many words. And yet, even under conditions like these, so many people still oppose Me to My face. Let Me give you a few examples:

יום שבת, 23 בספטמבר 2017

Eastern Lightning | Xiaozhen's Story | Musical Drama

Eastern Lightning | Xiaozhen's Story | Musical Drama

Xiaozhen used to be a pure, kind-hearted Christian, who always treated her friends sincerely. However, when it was to their benefit, her former friends became her enemies. After suffering this tragedy, Xiaozhen was forced to abandon her true heart and her former principles. She began to betray her own good conscience and good spirit, and wallowed in the mire of the evil world. … As she fell from grace and walked a path of depravity, she was trampled by the world and became riddled with scars and bruises. She had reached a dead end, and at her point of despair when she had given up all hope, Almighty God's sincere call finally awakened Xiaozhen's heart and spirit …